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International Conference in Lidzbark Warmiński near Olsztyn


On 11-13 June 2018, the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics – National Research Institute was organized the International Scientific Conference entitled “The CAP and national priorities within the EU budget after 2020” in Lidzbark Warmiński, near Olsztyn. The conference was organized in the framework of the Multi-Annual Programme 2015-2019 “The Polish and the EU agricultures 2020+. Challenges, chances, threats, proposals”.



The first day of the conference 11.VI.2018

Jubilee Session I devoted to 100th Anniv ersary of Regaining Independence by Poland

• Transformations of the Polish agriculture in retrospect – Prof. Józef Zegar

• Occasional speeches

Session II 

• Risk management in agriculture as a response to budget restrictions– Prof. Jacek Kulawik, PhD Joanna Pawłowska-Tyszko, PhD Michał Soliwoda, MSc Grzegorz Konat

• Effectiveness of the budget allocated to sustainable agricultural and rural development under the CAP: financial and economic analyses perspectives – Prof. Masahiko Gemma, Prof. Mihály Vörös

• Financial dimension of the CAP in the light of the public choice theory – Prof. Szczepan Figiel, PhD Marek Wigier

• Examples of failures in the current Czech system of investment subsidies allocation– PhD Marie Šimpachová Pechrová, MSc Ondřej Chaloupka, Prof. Tomáš Doucha

• Impact of the CAP reform at farm level in Italy. Lessons from the past and matters at stake for the future – Prof. Fabio Pierangeli, Prof. Andrea Povellato, PhD Maria Rosaria Pupo d’Andrea, PhD Alfonso Scardera, PhD Francesco Vanni

The second day of the conference 12.VI.2018

Session III 

• The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union – main challenges for a new budget – Prof. Anatol Pilawski, PhD Justyna Góral

• The adoption of agricultural insurance to manage farm risk: preliminary evidences from a field survey among Italian and Polish farmers – PhD Elisa Giampietri, Prof. Samuele Trestini, PhD Magdalena Śmiglak-Krajewska

• The Common Agricultural Policy and the farm households’ off-farm labour supply – PhD Jason Loughrey, Prof. Thia Hennessy

• The U.S. Margin Protection Program: a simulation of the potential effects on dairy farms profitability in Veneto (Italy) and Wielkopolska (Poland)– PhD Cristian Bolzonella, MSc Federico Vaona, Prof. Martino Cassandro,Prof. Tomasz Szwaczkowski

• The possible implementation of the income stabilization tool in Wallonia – Prof. Philippe Burny, MSc Ludovic Andres, MSc Christine Fadeur, Prof. Philippe Lebailly

• The risk management and the insurance of agricultural production – Prof. Drago Cvijanović, Prof. Željko Vojinović, Prof. Otilija Sedlak, Prof. Dejan Sekulić

Session IV 

• Economic and social features of contemporary development of the Czech agriculture and rural areas – Prof. Věra Majerová, Ing. Tereza Smékalová

• To whom belongs the future of rural prosperity 2020+? – PhD Rita Vilke, PhD Živile Gedminaite-Raudone

• Reasons for integration of the cohesion policy and rural development policy planning process in the regions – PhD Paweł Chmieliński, Prof. Marcin Gospodarowicz

• Estimation of multiplier effects for agricultural economic security of Poland, Ukraine and Azerbaijan in the conditions of budget decentralization – Prof. Vasyl Zalizko, MSc Kanan H. Salayev

• The model of innovative rural entrepreneurship development designing – Prof. Lesia Zaburanna, Prof. Tetiana Lutska

The third day of the conference 13.VI.2018

Session V 

• Specificity of economic integration processes in agriculture – Prof. Julian Krzyżanowski

• Agricultural policy in the service-driven economic system – PhD Dalia Vidickiene, PhD Zivile Gedminaite-Raudone

• State and opportunities of the Hungarian and Polish agricultural trade in the light of CAP budgetary restrictions – PhD Tamás Mizik, MSc Zoltán Rádai

• Russia: on the way to “Agriculture 4.0” – Prof. Boris Frumkin

• Implementation of innovation projects in the context of “Agribusiness 4.0” in Ukraine – Prof. Lesia Kucher

• Direct producer support measures and level of harmonization with Common Agricultural Policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina – MSc Alen Mujčinović,  Prof. Sabahudin Bjramović, MSc Merima Makaš

Session VI 

• Dilemmas of support for short food supply chains in the context of their economic, environmental and social sustainability – PhD Agata Malak-Rawlikowska, Prof. Adam Wąs, Prof. Edward Majewski

• Smart manufacturing – the potential of new digital technologies and large data sets in the food industry – PhD Katarzyna Kosior

• The role of organic farming in the CAP, the rural development programme, with particular regard to subsidies – PhD Gyarmati Gábor

• Land concentration and competitiveness of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine – PhD Anatoliy Kucher

• The impact of globalization on farmers income: evidence from Romanian and Poland agriculture – MSc Anca-Marina Izvoranuy, MSc Calin Henriette Cristiana, MSc Todirica Ioana-Claudia






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