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International Conference IAFE-NRI in Suchedniów


On 10-12 June 2013, in Suchedniów international conference was held "The new solutions of the CAP 2013+ to the challenges of the EU member states agriculture".

The main idea of the Conference is to present the research results of the top representatives of research institutes and the leading authorities on the Common Agricultural Policy, especially in ensuring the EU competitiveness and food security after 2013,, sustainable agriculture, equal conditions of the competition in the single market agriculture and the competitive position of the EU in the global agricultural market. Papers presented and the discussions were related to the situation in agriculture, both in Poland and other European and non-European countries.


The conference was attended by about 130 participants, including 19 from abroad. The representatives from the following foreign research centers participated in the conference: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, CER France Amiens Association d’Economie Rurale, University of Hradec Králowé, Waseda University – Tokyo, Hungarian Research Institute for Agricultural Economics (AKI), Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information (IAEI), The University of East Sarajevo, Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI), National University of Food Technologies  Ukraine, Agricultural University in Plovdiv Bulgaria, Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics, The Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics AWI, University of Florence, Institute of Acricultural Economics Belgrade, Institute of Agricultural Economics Bucharest.

In addition, the conference was attended by representatives of many national institutions.

The first day of the conference – 10 of June

Plenary session I

Moderated by: prof. A. Kowalski, prof. S. Kowalczyk

dr G. Dybowski, dr J. Rowiński – The world food market – new conditions for the country’s sectors with particular emphasis on Polish

prof. R. Jongeneel – Rebalancing direct payments: impact of the “CAP towards 2020” in the Netherlands

dipl.-ing. K. WagnerProgramming process of rural development measures 2014–2020 in Austria


Plenary session II

Moderated by: prof. W. Rembisz, prof. S. Stańko

dr Gabriele ScozzafavaThe new CAP Reform: an analysis of impacts at subnational level. The case of Tuscany

prof. W. Ziętara, prof. W. JózwiakExamples of the phenomena adversely affecting agricultures of the EU member states in Central and Eastern Europe after the year 2004 – conclusions for the future

prof. V. MajerováSocio-economic view of the contemporary situation in the Czech agriculture and countryside

The Second day of the Conference – 11 of June

Plenary session III

Moderated by: dr B. Wieliczko, dr P. Sz ajner

prof. J. Kulawik, dr J. Pawłowska-Tyszko, dr M. SoliwodaThe State’s position on the farm insurance in agriculture – the implications for the CAP 2013+

prof. T. DouchaCzech agriculture after 9 years of EU accession; background for the research position to the CAP 2014+

dr C. GavrilescuChanges and challenges in the Romanian agrifood sector under the CAP

prof. T. MostenskaThe competitiveness of Ukrainian food products


Plenary session IV

Moderated by: dr M. Hamulczuk, dr M. Wigier

prof. J. S. Zegar – The development of sustainable agriculture in Poland – the political aspect

prof. S. Figiel, dr M. Hamulczuk Interconnectedness between production of biofuels and food security

prof. D. Kołodziejczyk, dr A. Wasilewski, dr M. GospodarowiczInstitutions working for rural development – challenges for the future

The third day of the Conference – 12 of June

Plenary session V

Moderated by: dr Z. Floriańczyk, dr A. Wąs

dr S. BiroInnovation in Hungarian agriculture and rural development: opportunities of the CAP 2013+

prof. M. GemmaRural development and productivity growth in agricultural production

dr S. BerjanAlignment of agricultural and rural development policy in the Western Balkans with the European acquis: cases of Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia

dr N. JurkenaiteFamily farms viability challenge: Lithuanian case


Plenary session VI

Moderated by: dr M. Gospodarowicz, dr A. Wasilewski

dr P. Y. LelongFlexible approach to adjustment of the French farms to the requirements of the CAP 2014

prof. D. Cvijanović, dr P. VukovićAnalysis of actual indicators of competitiveness of the agricultural sector in Republic of Serbia

dr T. Stoeva, dr M. Mazneva Research of some agrostatistical indices of Bulgarian vegetable production in the context of the CAP

File list:

Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska

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