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3rd International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment (3rd ICSAE)


Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics, Warsaw University of Life Sciences. and Selcuk University are pleased to invite you to take part in the 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment (3rd ICSAE), which will be held in Warsaw between September 26-28, 2016. This is an event for researchers, scholars, engineers, resources managers, students, policy-makers, and all those interested in agricultural and environmental sciences. The conference provides great opportunity to network with colleagues worldwide to share knowledge and experience on teaching and research in agricultural and environmental area.

Scope of the symposium
The main scope of this symposium is to invite the experts to discuss the projects and applications on sustainable development in agriculture and environment. The main topic areas include interaction between agriculture and environment, social and economic aspects of environment, biology and agriculture, using biology to tackle environmental & agricultural concerns, sustainable development, tropical agriculture, biodiversity, biotechnology, horticulture, plants, animal production, climate change, environment, local ecological knowledge, water management, soil conservation, agriculture social economics, IPM (Integrated pest management), integrated agriculture management, hydraulic structure, maintenance and operation food sovereignty, food security, other related agriculture and environment issue.
Submitted papers will be reviewed by the conference scientific committee. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding. Selected papers based on the quality will be published in the one of the journals below:
1. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences (
2. Journal of International Environmental Application & Science (
Journal of Selcuk University Natural & Applied Science (
Conference proceeding book
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia
The conference proceedings and certificate of presentation will be distributed to the conference participants at the conference registration desk.

Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Visited: 9719