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Visit of delegation from THE Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences


On October 25, 2017, the Institute hosted a delegation from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The delegation included:

1) Mr. Hu Zhiquan, Professor, Chief Scientist of Innovation Team for Theory and Policy of Agricultural Modernization, Deputy Director of Modern Agriculture Research Office of Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences – chairman of the delegation.

2) Ms. Cui Qifeng, Associate Professor, Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

3) Mr. Yang Jinghua, Associate Professor, Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

The delegation was greeted by PhD Barbara Wieliczko. Then Prof. Andrzej Kowalski , director of IAFE-NRI officially opened the meeting and made an introduction to the discussion. Prof. Kowalski stressed the readiness of IAFE-NRI for cooperation and mutual exchange of experience with CAAS regarding the modernization of agriculture and agricultural policy.

The first speaker was PhD Zbigniew Floriańczyk, who presented the basic  facts concerning the organizational structure and research conducted by IAFE-NRI. The next speakers were PhD Edyta Gajos and PhD Wioletta Wrzaszcz. The issues discussed by them concerned sustainable agriculture. They presented the scope of research, source of data and the results achieved so far. They also indicated the research areas that could be the basis for future cooperation. The following speaker was MSc. Adam Smolik who introduced the FADN, including types of information collected and generated for particular types of recipients. Another speaker was PhD Paweł Chmieliński, who discussed the functioning of the European Rural Development Network, an organization cooperating with research institutes in Europe. He also presented the PERCEIVE project implemented under the Horizon 2020 programme, including the composition of the consortium and the main issues examined in the project such as the perception of the results of EU policies by the EU society.

In the following part of the meeting, the Chinese participants presented the Institute of Agricultural Economics ( and the Development of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, as well as the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences ( and research carried out in these institutions. They also discussed are the most important issues regarding the development of agriculture in China.


The last point of the meeting was a discussion on the possibilities, scope and form of cooperation between the two institutions. Various possible forms of cooperation in the field of research on agriculture and agricultural policy were indicated.

Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Visited: 10567