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The XV Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, Parma, 29th August - 1st September 2017


The XV Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) entitled “Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems: Balancing between Markets and Society” was held on 29th August – 1st September in Parma (Italy). This triennial congress is one of the most important events of its kind in the economics world and brings together nearly 1,000 representatives from research centres, social organizations, public institutions and practitioners from Europe and other parts of the world. It is an opportunity to discuss the latest research findings and the most current problems of rural development, agriculture and the food industry, both from a local and international perspective. The theme of this year's congress was sustainable agri-food systems.

More information about the Congress is on the website:

The representatives of IAFE-NRI participated in the XV EAAE Congress and presented following papers:

mgr Marcin Adamski and dr Michał Dudek presented a paper entitled Short-term economic effects of manager’s change in cooperative farms in Poland (during the session P.S 2.3: Cooperatives and Producers Organisations)

dr hab. Adam Wąs, professor at IAFE-NRI presented a paper “Disparities in Polish Agriculture” prepared together with dr Paweł Kobus (Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW) (during the session P.S 4.3: Land Use, Land Markets and Structural Change)

dr hab. Renata Grochowska, professor at IAFE-NRI presented a paper “Prospects for Big Data Applications in the Dairy Supply Chain in Poland” prepared in collaboration with dr Katarzyna Kosior (Tischner European University) (during the session P.S 5.1: Supply Chain and Value Chain Management)

dr hab. Szczepan Figiel, professor at IAFE-NRI, mgr Justyna Kufel-Gajda and dr Mariusz Hamulczuk presented a paper entitled “Interconnectedness between Markups and Output Cyclicalities in the Polish Food Processing Industry” (during the session P.S 5.4: Competitiveness and Marketing)

dr hab. Szczepan Figiel, professor at IAFE-NRI, presented also a paper entitled “Traditional food products and the current consumer and food product innovation trends: The case of Poland” (during the session P.S 6.2: Food Marketing)

The Institute’s representatives were also initiators of a special session (O.S. 8.5.) entitled “Networks, Social Innovations and Short Food Supply Chains” organised together with colleagues from Italy, Hungary and the Netherlands within the framework of          European Rural Development Network (ERDN).

During this session dr Barbara Wieliczko, dr Marek Wigier and dr Paweł Chmieliński presented a paper entitled “Short Food Supply Chains As A Way For Diversifying Farmers’ Economic Activity”. The session was chaired by dr Paweł Chmieliński and prof. Jerzy Wilkin (Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences – IRWiR PAN) acted as a discussant. More information about the ERDN session can be found on the website:

Full programme of the XV EAAE Congress is available at:


Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
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