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International online conference "Digital Transformation of the Agricultural Value Chain - Opportunities, Challenges and the Role of Science"


On 2 -3 December 2020, an international online conference "Digital Transformation of the Agricultural Value Chain - Opportunities, Challenges and the Role of Science" was held. It was organized jointly by BMEL (Bundesministeriums für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft) and EURAGRI (European Agricultural Research Initiative) as part of activities carried out by the German Presidency of the EU Council.

Katarzyna Kosior, PhD, a representative of the IAFE – NRI, was one of the participants of this conference. She delivered a paper titled "Agricultural Data: Diversity of Players, Data Relations and Data Categories".

Conference program

Presentation: "Agricultural Data: Diversity of Players, Data Relations and Data Categories”

Kamila Tomaszewska
Kamila Tomaszewska
Kamila Tomaszewska
Visited: 7977