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Meeting with the delegation of the Counsellors' Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China


On 25 November 2013 a delegation from the People's Republic of China met with the representatives of the Institute. Institute was visited by the members of the Counsellors’ Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China dealing with the issues related to agriculture and rural areas , accompanied by representatives of the Chinese Embassy in Warsaw . The delegation was headed by the Counselor of the State Council Liu Jian , former Minister of Agriculture of China.

Chairman of the Chinese delegation, Mr. Liu discussed the changes that have taken place in Chinese agriculture in the recent decades, presented the objectives of the visit to Poland, and named the tasks that Chinese agriculture is currently facing.

Director of the Institute, Professor  dr hab. Andrzej Kowalski, presented the main directions of research carried out at the Institute .

Members of the delegation asked a lot of questions about the importance of the EU support for the development of Polish agriculture, changes in agriculture and food industry in Poland , the challenges facing the agricultural sector and the functioning of the Institute.

Chairman of the Chinese delegation, Mr. Liu proposed the establishment of research cooperation between the Research Center for Rural Economy and the Institute . Research Center for Rural Economy is directly supervised by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and its research focuses on the economic issues related to the development of the agricultural sector in China.

Director of the Institute Professor . dr hab. Andrzej Kowalski emphasized the interest of the Institute in developing international cooperation and expressed readiness to enter into cooperation with the Research Center for Rural Economy.

Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska

Visited: 10076