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Conference programme

The first day of the conference 11.VI.2018

Jubil ee Session I devoted to 100th Anniv ersary of Regaining Independence by Poland


• Transformations of the Polish agriculture in retrospect – Prof. Józef Zegar

• Occasional speeches


Session II 16.30–18.15

• Risk management in agriculture as a response to budget restrictions– Prof. Jacek Kulawik, PhD Joanna Pawłowska-Tyszko, PhD Michał Soliwoda, MSc Grzegorz Konat

• Effectiveness of the budget allocated to sustainable agricultural and rural development under the CAP: financial and economic analyses perspectives – Prof. Masahiko Gemma, Prof. Mihály Vörös

• Financial dimension of the CAP in the light of the public choice theory – Prof. Szczepan Figiel, PhD Marek Wigier

• Examples of failures in the current Czech system of investment subsidies allocation– PhD Marie Šimpachová Pechrová, MSc Ondřej Chaloupka, Prof. Tomáš Doucha

• Impact of the CAP reform at farm level in Italy. Lessons from the past and matters at stake for the future – Prof. Fabio Pierangeli, Prof. Andrea Povellato, PhD Maria Rosaria Pupo d’Andrea, PhD Alfonso Scardera, PhD Francesco Vanni

The second day of the conference 12.VI.2018

Session III 14.00–16.00

• The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union – main challenges for a new budget – Prof. Anatol Pilawski, PhD Justyna Góral

• The adoption of agricultural insurance to manage farm risk: preliminary evidences from a field survey among Italian and Polish farmers – PhD Elisa Giampietri, Prof. Samuele Trestini, PhD Magdalena Śmiglak-Krajewska

• The Common Agricultural Policy and the farm households’ off-farm labour supply – PhD Jason Loughrey, Prof. Thia Hennessy

• The U.S. Margin Protection Program: a simulation of the potential effects on dairy farms profitability in Veneto (Italy) and Wielkopolska (Poland)– PhD Cristian Bolzonella, MSc Federico Vaona, Prof. Martino Cassandro,Prof. Tomasz Szwaczkowski

• The possible implementation of the income stabilization tool in Wallonia – Prof. Philippe Burny, MSc Ludovic Andres, MSc Christine Fadeur, Prof. Philippe Lebailly

• The risk management and the insurance of agricultural production – Prof. Drago Cvijanović, Prof. Željko Vojinović, Prof. Otilija Sedlak, Prof. Dejan Sekulić

Session IV 16.30–18.30

• Economic and social features of contemporary development of the Czech agriculture and rural areas – Prof. Věra Majerová, Ing. Tereza Smékalová

• To whom belongs the future of rural prosperity 2020+? – PhD Rita Vilke, PhD Živile Gedminaite-Raudone

• Reasons for integration of the cohesion policy and rural development policy planning process in the regions – PhD Paweł Chmieliński, Prof. Marcin Gospodarowicz

• Estimation of multiplier effects for agricultural economic security of Poland, Ukraine and Azerbaijan in the conditions of budget decentralization – Prof. Vasyl Zalizko, MSc Kanan H. Salayev

• The model of innovative rural entrepreneurship development designing – Prof. Lesia Zaburanna, Prof. Tetiana Lutska

The third day of the conference 13.VI.2018

Session V 8.30–10.30

• Specificity of economic integration processes in agriculture – Prof. Julian Krzyżanowski

• Agricultural policy in the service-driven economic system – PhD Dalia Vidickiene, PhD Zivile Gedminaite-Raudone

• State and opportunities of the Hungarian and Polish agricultural trade in the light of CAP budgetary restrictions – PhD Tamás Mizik, MSc Zoltán Rádai

• Russia: on the way to “Agriculture 4.0” – Prof. Boris Frumkin

• Implementation of innovation projects in the context of “Agribusiness 4.0” in Ukraine – Prof. Lesia Kucher

• Direct producer support measures and level of harmonization with Common Agricultural Policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina – MSc Alen Mujčinović,  Prof. Sabahudin Bjramović, MSc Merima Makaš

Session VI 11.00–12.50

• Dilemmas of support for short food supply chains in the context of their economic, environmental and social sustainability – PhD Agata Malak-Rawlikowska, Prof. Adam Wąs, Prof. Edward Majewski

• Smart manufacturing – the potential of new digital technologies and large data sets in the food industry – PhD Katarzyna Kosior

• The role of organic farming in the CAP, the rural development programme, with particular regard to subsidies – PhD Gyarmati Gábor

• Land concentration and competitiveness of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine – PhD Anatoliy Kucher

• The impact of globalization on farmers income: evidence from Romanian and Poland agriculture – MSc Anca-Marina Izvoranuy, MSc Calin Henriette Cristiana, MSc Todirica Ioana-Claudia

File list:

Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
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