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International Conference in Kazimierz Dolny, 18-20 June 2012


In days 18-20 June 2012 in Kazimierz Dolny over Vistula took place the international Conference "Proposals for CAP 2013+ and competitivenes of food sector and rural areas" organized by the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - National Research Institute. The conference is an integral part of realized by IAFE-NRI Multi-Annual Programme: "Competitiveness of the Polish food economy in the conditions of globalization and European integration".

An aim of the conference was the discussion over theoretical and practical effects of proposed directions of the reform CAP after the year 2013. Presented reports embraced the subject matter of the common agriculture policy both from the total perspective as and from the point of view of member states EU. In detailed problems one moved matters concerning among other things: first-hand surcharges, reallocations of financial means among I and with II pillar of CAP, price risk, structural changes, environmental protections and welfare of animals, the agricultural education, sectoral policies and the food-safety. Debates of the conference presided the Manager of the Institute prof. Andrzej Kowalski.


The First day of the Conference - 18th of June

Session I - Moderated by: prof. Walenty Poczta, prof. Włodzimierz Rembisz


  • prof. Andrzej Kowalski

Global challenges and the future of the CAP

  • prof. William H. Meyers, dr Jadwiga R. Ziółkowska

The CAP from a global agriculture perspective

  • prof. Masahiko Gemma

Productivity Growth in Agriculture under the Common Agricultural Policy

  • prof. Ulrich Koester

The CAP after 2013: An assesment of the Commission's proposals for the changing Pillar I

The Second day of the Conference - 19th of June

Session II - Moderated by: prof. Andrzej Czyżewski, prof. Stanisław Stańko


  • prof. Renata Grochowska

Is the CAP still common? Reallocation effect of the direct payments between Member States

  • prof. Szczepan Figiel

Risk management policies In the new CAP - An overview

  • dr Norbert Potori

CAP 2014-2020: An impact assessment of the proposed direct payment scheme in Hungary


Session III - Moderated by:  prof. Jacek Kulawik, prof. Wojciech Ziętara


  • dr Tomáš Ratinger

CAP 2020 proposal and the Czech farm structure: a need for the national adjustment

  • prof. Karl M. Ortner

Lessons from the evaluation of the Austrian Rural Development Programme

  • prof. Wojciech Józwiak

Enviromental care and animal welfare vs. economic results in agriculture

  • prof. Dimitar Grekov, prof. Nelly Bencheva

Sustainable development of agricultural education in Bulgaria



The Third day of the Conference - 20th of June


Sesja IV - Moderated by: prof. Stanisław Kowalczyk, dr Gordana Rokvić


  • prof. Jacek Kulawik, dr Barbara Wieliczko

Financial conditions of the competitiveness of agriculture

  • dr Piotr Szajner

The impact of milk quota abolishment and other changes in dairy market regime on the perspectives of Polish dairy sector

  • dr Janusz Rowiński

RDP 2014-2020 and development of Polish rural areas and food economy

  • dr Marius Voicilas

The competitineness of the Romanian traditional brands on global/EU market

  • dr Mariola Kwasek, mgr inż. Agnieszka Obiedzińska

The food safety in the context of the CAP



File list:

Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska

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