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Agricultural Products Data Collection System

Surveys within Agricultural Products Data Collection System AGROKOSZTY are conducted under the supervision of the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - National Research Institute (IAFE-NRI) in Warsaw. Data are collected in the individual agricultural holdings that manage farm accountancy in Polish FADN system.

Within the scope of AGROKOSZTY system, quantitative data and value-related data on the production level, expenditure and specific costs for each activity of crop production (e.g. winter wheat) and livestock production (e.g. milk cows) are collected. Collecting of data is in line with the uniform scheme according to the European Union methodology which was formulated against a background of standard gross margin account.
They enable to calculate the first income category, that is the gross margin. Unpaid and paid labour input on the activities covered by the survey is also recorded. The data enable to determine its work consumption.

In 2002-2003 the surveys were pilot and in 2004 the system was implemented fully. The surveys have been focused on the activities in agricultural holdings with traditional production methods. In 2005 the scope of the surveys has been extended to the activities in agricultural holdings with the organic production certificate.

Data bases of AGROKOSZTY system enable to make various calculations and to present them as costs and income reports. The reports present the results for the activities covered by the survey in a given agricultural holding and in comparison with the results of other farms that were grouped according to various criteria (e.g. production scale, regional location of the farms with the activities covered by the survey).

Data that are collected can be used to develop production and economy analyses, other studies and expert reports, short and mid term forecasts of the productive and economic results and other agricultural calculations.


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