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Cooperation of bioeconomy clusters for biobased knowledge transfer via Innovative Dissemination techniques in the primary production sector (COOPID)


COOPID: a new EU project takes off, connecting the primary sector through innovative biobased knowledge


The COOPID project will address the main challenges the primary sector encounters when taking part in the “bioeconomy”, namely, poor cooperation and knowledge transfer between relevant stakeholders, and limited support to invest in R&D to establish new value chains.

According to the European Commission, the bioeconomy includes all those business models that rely on using renewable bio-based resources from land and sea -like crops, forests, fish, animals, and micro-organisms- to produce food, materials, and energy. Furthermore, the latest EU Green Deal -the European plan to make the Europe climate neutral by 2050 – directly supports the implementation of a sustainable and circular bio-based sector.

Coordinated by Cooperativas Agro-Alimentarias de España -Agri-food Cooperatives Spain, the umbrella association representing the Spanish agri-food cooperative movement- COOPID proposes an innovative and effective strategy to inspire primary producers and stimulate the uptake of inclusive and sustainable bio-based business models in the European primary production sector, considering regional & sectorial particularities. Currently, bioeconomy starts on the fields, yet, meaningful participation of the primary sector is currently challenged: this is an issue COOPID is meant to address.

To do so, COOPID envisions the development of an ad-hoc created network of “Bioeconomy Clusters” from 10 European countries, involving a wide range of stakeholders: primary producers - cooperatives or associations within agriculture, forestry & aquaculture-, industry, public sector, research & academia. As of now, COOPID already has the commitment of 73 entities to participate as partners of the “COOPID Bioeconomy Clusters”.

These 10 COOPID Bioeconomy Clusters (CBC) will develop a 4-level knowledge transfer strategy: (1) selection of success stories, (2) organisation of workshops and activities between selected cluster representatives (COOPID ambassadors), (3) interactive dissemination, and (4) communication to broader audiences. These actions will foster connections among the primary sector in Europe. At the same time, its results will also be the base for a series of practical recommendations for primary producers, policymakers, industry, and academia. Altogether, the project strategy will support the development of stronger bioeconomy business models within the European primary sector.

COOPID is a 2-year international initiative that started the 1st of January of 2021 and that will run until the 31st of December 2022. In total, the project counts with 11 project partners from 10 different EU countries: Agri-food Cooperatives Spain (ES, project coordinator), Greenflex (FR), Universita Di Bologna (IT), Gaia Epicheirein (EL), Agraren Universitet – Plovdiv (BG), Instytut Ekonomiki Rolnictwa i Gospodarki Żywnościowej, Państwowy Instytut Badawczy (PL), the National Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry in Styria (AT), Munster Technological University (IE), Food & Biocluster Denmark (DK),  Proagria Oulu (FI), being the leaders of their national “Bioeconomy Clusters”, which will find collaborators, foster networking and promoting and active knowledge exchange among them. Finally, Innovarum (ES) - consultancy firm specialised in fostering innovation in the agri-food sector- will act as the horizontal actor during the project development, enabling knowledge exchange among the ten Clusters and providing tools for efficient communication.

COOPID is funded by the EU Commission H2020 Programme under the topic CE-FNR-15-2020 (Grant Agreement no.: 101000519) and counts with an overall budget of 2 million euros.

Project details

–        Acronym: COOPID

–        Tittle: COOPeration of bioeconomy clusters for bio-based knowledge transfer via Innovative Dissemination techniques in the primary production sector

–        Call: H2020-FNR-2020-1

–        Project coordinator: Cooperativas Agro-Alimentarias de España

–        Duration: 2 years.

–        Budget: 2 million euros.

–        Link in Cordis:

–        Twitter: @COOPID_eu ( ).

Contact point

Cooperativas Agro-Alimentarias de España (Spain)

Juan Sagarna, Project Coordinator

[email protected]


Susana Rivera, Project Manager

[email protected]


IERiGZ-PIB research group:

The research of IERiGŻ-PIB is managed by Adam Wasilewski, [email protected]

IERiGZ-PIB research team:

  • Marek Wigier, [email protected]
  • Joanna Pawłowska-Tyszko
  • Wioletta Wrzaszcz
  • Marek Zieliński
  • Adam Kagan
  • Bogdan Buks
Kamila Tomaszewska
Kamila Tomaszewska
Paweł Szczepanik
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