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You are here: Scientific research > RER


Economic Accounts for Agriculture (Rachunki Ekonomiczne dla Rolnictwa, RER) is an instrument used by the Eurostat in agricultural statistics for purposes of the European Union. They are used for computing volume and value of agricultural production in the EU countries.
The method of RER calculation was developed and unified by the Eurostat. As the RER calculation system is identical for all member states, it allows to make economic and production comparisons as well as to monitor the EU agriculture incomes. At the same time the accounts provide information necessary for establishing main priorities and for taking decisions in the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). RER is an account of a macroeconomic nature which includes volume and value of the outputs produced by the farms in a given year. The RER are drawn up for the whole of the agriculture and are used as satellite accounts for the National Accounts (Rachunek Narodowy, RN). Main differences between these two accounts result from different methods and different production scope used for both accounts. Apart from the value of goods and services produced, RER also includes value of the secondary non-agricultural activities, the costs of which are impossible to exclude from the production process. An example of this are the tourist services provided by the farmers. RER are drawn up according to the accrual principle - when a given economic event has occurred, when the economic value of the product is being created and not when the money is physically transferred (Cash Principle).

Kamila Tomaszewska
Visited: 17374